Monday, March 28, 2011

Little Man in Uniform

I love a man in uniform. The evidence is obvious- I married a sailor. I insisted that he wear his uniform on our wedding day and I continue to insist that he wear it for each and every family portrait. Sewing the patches and insignia onto his uniforms gives me a thrill, watching him march in parades is exhilarating, and I don’t think I even need to describe the awesome excitement I feel when he steps off the ship after a long deployment donning his sharp dress blues and stark white dixie cup. There’s nothing I love more than wrapping my arms around my man in uniform….

James and Jenny, Memorial Day 2009

But cuddling my little man in uniform sure comes close!

I saw this pint sized sailor uniform while I was drooling over the adorable clothes on the Janie & Jack website. I immediately added it to my cart, breaking my own cardinal rule (“Never buy anything full price”), but I just couldn’t risk it selling out. The instant I tried it on him, I knew I’d made a wise investment. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so adorable! I plan to have Johnny dressed up in this uniform all summer long and you can bet that he’ll be wearing it for James’ homecoming celebration later this year.

1 comment:

  1. He's soooooooooo cute!!!!
    Love the cute quotes by Josie and Jamison!
